Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Top Ten

Ordinarily, I reserve my blog purely for stories, essays, articles, and various other forms of mischief. But I received a bulk email from Adoptive Families Magazine today which included their Top Ten most popular website hits for 2009. I was totally shocked to read that my articles held the number two and three spot.

Now those of my readers who know me in person understand that, under any other circumstances, I am way too humble to toot my own horn like this. In fact, many of you constantly tell me how humble I am and, frankly, it's getting out of hand. Nevertheless, I couldn't resist posting this. Thanks for reading and thank you AF Magazine!


Rebecca said...

Congrats, Billy! What an honor!

Deb said...

That's awesome! Congratz!

Mom said...

Way to go, kiddo.

Unknown said...
